Writer's Journal #14

The Writer's Journal: Perspective Shifting Content

Read Time: 4 minutes

Hey Writers,

Last week, I learned an important writing lesson.

It's about writing perspective-shifting content. I will give the link of the article below, but here are important takeaways.

  1. Write to change the mindset of the readers by addressing common myths
  2. Do not simply write about technical stuff like x-steps to achieve something.Instead, educate readers why they should take those steps and what is the need to achieve

Here’s a simple writing framework that you can use to implement the perspective-shifting concept in your content.

The 3P Framework: Problem, Perspective, Practice

1. Problem: Identify and Acknowledge the Common Issue

  • Goal: Start by identifying a common problem or misconception related to your topic.
  • Implementation:
    • Clearly state the problem your audience faces.
    • Use relatable examples to show you understand their struggles.
    • Include any myths or false beliefs associated with this problem.


  • "Many beginner writers struggle with finding time to write every day. They often believe that unless they can dedicate hours at a stretch, they can't develop a writing habit. This leads to frustration and inconsistency."

2. Perspective: Shift the Reader's Viewpoint

  • Goal: Challenge the reader’s current mindset and offer a new way to look at the problem.
  • Implementation:
    • Present evidence or stories that contradict the common belief.
    • Introduce a new perspective that is more empowering and achievable.
    • Use questions to provoke thought and reflection.


  • "But what if the problem isn't about finding more time, but about rethinking how you use the time you already have? What if developing a writing habit could start with just 5 minutes a day? Many successful writers began their journey by making the most of small pockets of time."

3. Practice: Provide Actionable Steps

  • Goal: Offer practical advice that readers can easily implement to adopt the new perspective.
  • Implementation:
    • Break down the new approach into simple, actionable steps.
    • Encourage readers to try these steps and provide tips for success.
    • Reinforce the new perspective with encouraging, motivating language.


  • "Here’s how you can start:
    1. Micro-Writing Sessions: Begin with just 5 minutes of writing every day. Set a timer and write anything that comes to mind.
    2. Daily Ritual: Choose a consistent time each day for your writing session, like right after breakfast or before bed.
    3. Track Your Progress: Use a journal or app to log your daily writing. Celebrate your consistency, not the word count. By integrating these small, manageable steps, you'll gradually build a writing habit that fits into your busy schedule."

Putting It All Together


  • "Many beginner writers struggle with finding time to write every day. They often believe that unless they can dedicate hours at a stretch, they can't develop a writing habit. This leads to frustration and inconsistency."


  • "But what if the problem isn't about finding more time, but about rethinking how you use the time you already have? What if developing a writing habit could start with just 5 minutes a day? Many successful writers began their journey by making the most of small pockets of time. Here’s how you can start:
  1. Micro-Writing Sessions: Begin with just 5 minutes of writing every day. Set a timer and write anything that comes to mind.
  2. Daily Ritual: Choose a consistent time each day for your writing session, like right after breakfast or before bed.
  3. Track Your Progress: Use a journal or app to log your daily writing. Celebrate your consistency, not the word count."


  • "By integrating these small, manageable steps, you'll gradually build a writing habit that fits into your busy schedule. Remember, it's not about finding more time; it's about making the most of the time you have.

Try this technique and let me know if this framework helps you. Next week I will try to create an AI prompt that you can customise to bring perspective shifting concept in anything you write.

Perspective Shifting Content

Its all about changing the mindset of the readers.

Want to dive deeper?

If you want to build a daily writing habit but have no clue how to start, consider my FREE ebook here covering everything you need as a beginner to start writing.

In this 9-page infographic ebook you will find:

  1. Reasons to write daily
  2. Steps to write daily
  3. Content Plan
  4. Content creation tools
  5. Content Outline Template
  6. Bonus - FREE 1-month content planner

I hope you'll give this a try!

See you next week.

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There is one more way I can help you. Click here for a FREE ebook on how to start writing on Medium.

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